Instead I want to talk about the one value in my life that I needed to overcome depression, Fortitude. The word is not commonly used anymore, and I feel that its meaning and value is mistaken for something less than it is. Fortitude is “mental and emotional strength in facing adversity, danger, or temptation courageously” or “strength of mind that enables one to meet danger or bear pain or adversity with courage” It is “mental… strength” and “strength of mind.” Fortitude is not physical strength. Rather, those with fortitude can mentally withstand obstacles and challenges in their paths. Fortitude is what I needed to wake up every day with a smile and get excited about life, even in what felt like hopeless situations. Fortitude is what drove me to leave Las Vegas and my family to head to Texas Christian University. Fortitude is what drove an introverted kid like myself to the first Crew meeting at TCU, an organization I would go on to lead and ultimately jump started a very successful college career.
Depression is in no way easy to overcome, and I still slip back into it. I didn’t just have a fairy tale ending. The point is that you have to have the courage to get out of bed the next day and face the world. You can’t sugar coat what you are facing, accept that it’s a disease and own it. I truly believe fortitude is value everyone needs to take to heart and strive to achieve. I live by the quotes “Keep Moving Forward, and Win From Within” I think that if you can do that every day then you can make little steps and generate enough small wins to put a smile back on your face.