Our Mission

FrogSpeak is a space for students to share and learn from the experiences of others aimed at fighting the stigma surrounding mental health - one story at a time.

Submit a Story

Interested in contributing a story but not sure what to say? Below are some things to think about while you write.

  • Explain what happened and how you felt.
  • Keep your story between 250-500 words. 
  • Write from the heart.
  • Be anonymous.
  • Keep it simple.
  • Share FrogSpeak with your friends!
  • Include real names.
  • Feel like you have to give advice. 
  • Use profane language or graphic descriptions.
  • Share anything you wouldn't want others to read.
  • Treat this like a homework assignment - this is not for a grade.
We will edit grammatical errors as needed and reserve the right to refrain from posting parts of a submission that could endanger a student's identity. We will remove all derogatory, graphic and/or profane language.

How to Submit
When you have written your post, you can either email it directly to tcufrogspeak@gmail.com or submit a comment on the bottom of the home page. If you don't want to use your email address, we  understand and want to respect your privacy. However, we also won't share your email address with anybody else, and we might have questions about your post. If you still don't want to, you can use a temporary address generator, like this one: https://www.guerrillamail.com/

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